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Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Don’t Push Your AC Too Hard at the End of Summer


August and September often bring out the hottest weather of the summer. That can spell bad news for air conditioning systems which have already put in several months of hard work keeping homes chilled and comfortable. As the heat ramps up, ACs are at a higher risk of failing or losing cooling capacity because of the strain and overwork. 

We don’t want you stuck with a failed air conditioner during the dog days of summer—although you can always depend on us for air conditioning repair in Eden Prairie, MN or elsewhere in the Twin Cities when you need it. We have advice to help you lessen the cooling load on your air conditioning system and see that it remains reliable until it shuts off at the end of the year.

Never forget maintenance.

The best way to keep an air conditioner from accumulating too much wear and aging rapidly is to have it maintained each spring. If you already had this done for your AC, then you can relax a bit: the cooling system has a good chance that it will get to the end of the summer heat without problem. However, if you didn’t have it maintained in spring, it’s better late than never! At least you’ll get your annual maintenance in and catch any problems that are already developing.

Change the blower filter.

The blower filter is what protects the interior of the AC cabinet from dust, lint, and other debris coming through the return air ducts. It will become clogged after one to three months, and if it’s not replaced with a clean filter, it will place heavy strain on the unit. Dirty air filters left in place are one of the biggest preventable causes of AC problems. Change the filter now if you haven’t yet this summer.

Show mercy with the thermostat.

When it gets extremely hot outside, do you go to the thermostat and push it down to 70°F or even lower so you can “fight” the heat? That’s a good way to cause your AC to freeze up and die, as well as run up your electric bills. These low settings don’t cool your house any faster; they only make the AC run longer. Keep the thermostat set at a comfortable, higher temperature (we recommend 78°F during the day) to lower the work the AC has to do as well as slow down the speed at which your home gains heat. 

Make sure all room vents are open and unblocked.

People sometimes make the mistake of thinking that if they close off room vents, they’ll save money because the AC won’t cool that room. But the AC won’t work any less if this happens—in fact, it will work harder because of the change in pressure inside the ventilation system, often leading to it overheating. Make sure all vents are fully open and aren’t blocked by furniture, rugs, etc.

If you notice any trouble with your AC, act fast to call us for repairs. You’ll help head off a serious cooling emergency this way.

Contact Residential Heating and Air Conditioning for all your AC needs and “Feel the Difference!”

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