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Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Real Talk About Asbestos and Your HVAC System


Asbestos. It’s a scary word. You know it’s something that might be in your home, and that you don’t want it there. Asbestos has been banned from homes since 1989, but that doesn’t mean the danger is gone. You may have a serious asbestos issue in your home, hiding inside your HVAC system.

We offer asbestos removal in Minneapolis, and in this blog, we’re going to get down to the important details about the asbestos that might be in your HVAC system and why it’s important to have our specialists remove it.

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed of thin, durable fibers. Historically, it was used in construction due to its fire-resistant and insulating properties, and it’s been used since ancient times. However, the health hazards associated with asbestos exposure have led to a decline in its use. There are different types of asbestos, including chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite, each with unique properties.

Why is asbestos harmful?

Asbestos fibers, when inhaled, can lead to severe health problems. Respiratory issues, lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma are among the health risks associated with asbestos exposure. The microscopic size of asbestos fibers allows them to penetrate deep into the lungs, causing long-term damage.

Unfortunately, asbestos can be found in many parts of homes that were built pre-1980s in the insulation, flooring, ceiling tiles, and more. Over time, as these materials degrade, the asbestos fibers enter the air. Renovation or demolition activities can also disturb asbestos-containing materials, leading to contaminating the indoor air.

Why would there be asbestos in my HVAC system?

Now we come to the key part: why might asbestos be inside your home’s HVAC system? The answer is that asbestos was used extensively in older types of furnaces, such as gravity furnaces (also known as octopus furnaces), to insulate them and lower the amount of heat loss.

If you have one of these older furnace types, then there’s a significant danger of degrading asbestos inside them sending harmful fibers throughout your home. Honestly, if you have a furnace this old, you should have had it replaced long ago, and not just because of the asbestos danger. These furnaces are half as efficient as modern forced-air furnaces.

Professional asbestos removal

When it comes to asbestos treatment and abatement of any type, you must hire licensed professionals to do the job. In the case of replacing an old furnace, you can’t simply have the former furnace junked, because that will cause the asbestos to break apart and get into other parts of your home.

Our team specializes in the safe and effective removal of asbestos when replacing a gravity furnace. We employ industry-approved techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the elimination of asbestos from your house while minimizing the risk of exposure during the process.

Please, don’t attempt any DIY tactics to remove asbestos, as this can lead to the release of more airborne fibers, making the situation worse. There are also regulations that govern asbestos removal procedures; failure to comply can result in legal action. Our certified asbestos removal specialists will see that the job is done safely and within regulations. We follow a systematic approach, implementing industry-best practices and prioritizing your safety. 

Rely on Residential Heating and Air Conditioning and you’ll “Feel the Difference”! Serving The Twin Cities Since 1991. 

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