Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for June, 2019

Common Early Summer AC Problems: Their Causes and Your Next Steps

Monday, June 24th, 2019

young-man-yelling-frustratedSummer means that good things are right on the horizon! The kids are out of school, the weather is warming up, and the days get longer and longer. There’s really one thing that can rain on your parade this summer and that’s a defective air conditioner.

This is the time of year where you really need to keep a close eye on your air conditioning system. If you notice a problem this early on while the weather is still relatively mild you can call our professionals now and knock out any problems early on. Make sure you contact our professionals when you need great air conditioning in St. Paul, MN.

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Don’t Put Your AC to the Test this Summer—Repair Now

Monday, June 10th, 2019

We’ve had our fair share of hot weather this spring, so you’ve probably already had to use your air conditioner a good amount. If you’ve noticed that your air conditioning isn’t quite up to par then it’s time for you to contact our team.

Don’t put your air conditioner under an unneeded amount of stress this summer just because you’re worried about the cost of repair services. We’re a team of responsible professionals that have always been committed to providing quality service for affordable prices. If you need air conditioning repair in St. Paul, MN, make sure that you contact our team.  

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