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Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Questions To Ask Before Replacing Your Furnace

family-holding-green-paper-house-in-handsWe’re pretty far into the winter season. This is the time of year when you might realize that your current furnace just isn’t cutting it anymore. If you’re not warm enough, if your furnace is expensive, or if your heater is just getting up there in age, we’d recommend replacing your unit. 

Now, when we talk to homeowners about replacement we often are met with a little hesitancy. We understand why. Replacement is typically a process that’s stressful. We hear horror stories from homeowners that have gone with other contractors in the past. The good news is that our team is here to make sure that your furnace installation in Minnetonka, GA is as easy as possible. We care about the service. 

What is the safety rating of the furnace?

If you’re looking for a new furnace, one of the first things you should consider is the furnace’s safety. You want to keep you and your family safe after all. We understand that many homeowners have concerns surrounding furnaces and natural gas furnaces in particular because of the carbon monoxide risk. This is a valid concern. According to the Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) gas furnace safety is largely dependent on who installs the system. This is why we recommend professional service. Qualified technicians are the only ones who have the expertise necessary to do right by your system. Even if you don’t choose our professionals, make sure that you choose a professional you can trust. 

How efficient is the furnace?

You can determine the efficiency of a furnace by its AFUE rating. The AFUE rating measures the percentage of the energy that becomes heat throughout the heating process. All furnaces are mandated to have an AFUE rating of 80% at minimal now, but they go up to 98% in extremely efficient models. Make sure that this is a number that you take into account when choosing your system. 

We understand that the process of getting yourself a furnace can be quite overwhelming. If you find yourself at your wit’s end and need assistance, we always encourage you to talk to our team members. As we mentioned above, we have the right experience. We’ve worked in the area dating back to 1991 and we put our years in the industry to good use. On top of this, we’re friendly professionals. There’s no silly question with us. 

What types of rebates or discounts are available?

If you choose a gas furnace that is ENERGY STAR certified, then you’ll meet the requirements for a furnace tax credit. The requirements just require that your furnace has an AFUE rating over 95. It’s easier than you might think to get the right furnace to meet these requirements. ENERGY STAR even has a tool on their website where you can search through most brands of furnaces rated by their AFUE ratings. As always, we’re here to answer your questions when they arise. 

Contact Residential Heating and Air Conditioning today to schedule an appointment with our professional. Serving The Twin Cities Since 1991. 

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