Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Why You Should Schedule an Air Duct Cleaning Before Winter

Monday, November 26th, 2018

When was the last time you had your air ducts cleaned? It’s likely that you can’t remember. So many homeowners here and across the country neglect to have their air ducts cleaned on a routine basis and we understand why. You air ducts aren’t a system in your home that you wake up thinking about every day so it can often get pushed the wayside. Other homeowners don’t see the benefit of getting their air ducts cleaned. After all, if your home’s HVAC system seems to work just fine then why schedule a cleaning? This is an erroneous way of thinking that leads you into a false sense of comfort. Indoor air quality problems often seem like other common household issues, but a simple service like this will greatly boost your comfort. If you want to have your air ducts cleaned in St. Paul, MN then contact our team today.

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