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Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

3 Easy Ways to Boost Your Heater’s Efficiency

We’vfamily-holding-green-paper-house-in-handse just started to experience cooler temperatures in our area, and as such you might have noticed that your older heater is struggling a bit to heat your home efficiently. This can happen pretty easily here in Minnesota because our winters are cold, long, and quite brutal.

If you’re noticing how winters have taken a toll on your furnace, contact our team. In the meantime, read on to learn how to boost your heater’s efficiency, and therefore save money on your heater use.

Schedule Maintenance Services

The best thing you can possibly do for your heater is schedule routine maintenance. If you’ve talked to any HVAC professional, you’d probably heard them sing the praises of regular HVAC maintenance. It’s for good reason! Having a professional take care of your system ahead of the colder months can help you avoid any major system issues catching you by surprise. Maintenance is an essential service. Don’t think of it as an added luxury in your home: calling and scheduling a maintenance appointment is a small task that can make or break the efficacy of your heating system.

Mind Your Temperature Settings

A lot of homeowners start to run their systems a little irresponsibly when temperatures cool off. This is a common problem because of the widespread misconception that running your heater at a higher temperature will make your space heat up faster. And it is indeed a misconception! If you come home and crank your thermostat up to 80°F, then you’re only going to make your heater struggle to reach this temperature and heat for much longer than necessary. The heater isn’t producing more heat at a faster rate, it’s justing running for longer to reach the higher temperature. Make sure that you run your thermostat at a moderate temperature. If you’re concerned with having your home heat up quickly after a long day, then try upgrading your thermostat instead of overworking your heating system.

Don’t Overlook Your Thermostat

As we mentioned above, it’s important to make sure that your thermostat stays in top shape. There’s really nothing worse you can do than have an out of date thermostat in your home when it comes to your heating system. Your thermostat is the starting point for any other function from your heating or cooling system. If this system isn’t in top shape then you’re doing yourself a disservice. If you still have an older model digital thermostat or a thermostat without Wi-Fi capabilities, then it’s time to upgrade. We recommend upgrading to a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats give you the comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency all in one. When you need a great system in your home, start by upgrading your thermostat!

Sometimes, finding the right team to service your heater can prove to be difficult, but our team is a premier HVAC service in the area. If you’re looking for great service for your heater in Brooklyn Park, contact Residential Heating and Air Conditioning today—a leading force in everything HVAC in the Twin Cities.

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