Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Eden Prairie’

The Benefits of Installing a Smart Thermostat

Monday, July 3rd, 2023
Intelligent home automation system: controlling house temperature with a multimedia touch screen display, mounted on an apartment wall and wireless connected to a main computer unit. Intelligent system for energy saving, climate control and environmental conservation. Temperature is expressed in Fahrenheit degrees (see more images from my portfolio for other units). Shows thermometer, warm and cold air conditioning icons, relative humidity and current temperature.

Many homeowners have a digital thermostat, although some may still have a manual thermostat that uses sliders and dials to change the temperature. But more and more homeowners are installing smart thermostats that they can control remotely and which handle many functions on their own. 

You may think that your standard thermostat is good enough to get the job done, but we recommend you consider a smart thermostat and the benefits that come with it.

When you’re ready to schedule service for thermostats in Eden Prairie, MN, we can help see you get the right smart thermostat for your needs. In the meantime, you can learn more about the multiple benefits of using a smart thermostat with your HVAC system. 

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Demystifying the 5 Top Myths About Home Air Conditioning

Monday, June 19th, 2023

In the (relatively) short time that ACs have been parts of homes, several myths and misconceptions have risen about them. Some are relatively harmless trivia, but others can have a major impact on comfort and energy use in a home. We want you to know the real deal when it comes to air conditioning in Eden Prairie, MN, and throughout the Twin Cities, so we’ll break down several of the biggest myths about AC systems.

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Can a Heat Pump Work as a Comfort Solution for My Home?

Monday, June 5th, 2023

If you’ve heard of heat pumps, then you probably already know the big advantage they have as HVAC systems: they can operate as both heating and cooling systems. Essentially, heat pumps are air conditioners that can switch the direction they move heat, so they can both remove heat from a space and bring heat into it.

Heat pumps are becoming more popular each year, but here in Minnesota, most people still rely on an HVAC setup that pairs an air conditioner with a furnace (gas or electric). It’s familiar, it works for most homes. So why consider heat pumps in Eden Prairie, MN for home comfort? Do they live up to their promise as a year-round all-in-one comfort solution?

Answering this question requires looking a bit closer at heat pumps and how they operate in Minnesota weather.

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Let’s Talk About Your AC (And If You Need More)

Monday, May 15th, 2023

Spoilers for this post: You probably don’t need more refrigerant! If you do, it’s a repair situation.

We thought we’d get the crucial information out of the way first, because people often have mistaken assumptions about how air conditioners use refrigerant. They might hear from a source that it’s a good idea to get the refrigerant “topped off” before summer rolls around, or that you’ll need to have routine refrigerant refills to ensure the AC doesn’t run out of it.

To which we’ll ask: “When was the last time you needed to have the refrigerant in your refrigerator refilled?” We’ll bet the answer is never—unless the refrigerator was broken.

Well, the refrigerant in an air conditioning system is the same. Unless the AC is leaking refrigerant (in which case call us for air conditioning repair in Eden Prairie, MN), you won’t need to have any additional refrigerant put into it during the system’s service life.

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Why Bigger Isn’t Always Better With a New AC

Monday, April 17th, 2023

An essential part of getting a new air conditioner is finding the right-size unit. We don’t mean the physical size of the air conditioner, but the size of its cooling power and its capacity. You want to ensure you have an air conditioner that’s big enough to cool your house, but which isn’t too big.

“Wait a minute,” you might think. “Why is it a problem if the AC’s too big? Isn’t it better to err on the side of too big rather than too small?”

You’re not the only one who has thought this when getting a new air conditioner. We’ll explain why bigger isn’t necessarily better with an air conditioner. In fact, it can often be a disaster!

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Welcome Spring! And Welcome Air Conditioning Maintenance!

Monday, April 3rd, 2023

It’s officially spring! And the weather is … okay, it’s still pretty cold outside, but it’s warmer than it was. Highs in the 30s are better than sub-zero temperatures. 

Even this slight warming is a reminder that the summer weather is approaching. Now that we’re in the transitional period of spring, it’s a good time to talk about scheduling your air conditioning maintenance.

“But I had maintenance done last year!” you say. Hey, that’s great. Maintenance, however, is something you need to have done every year if you want to get the most out of your air conditioning system and enjoy it for the longest possible time. A proper maintenance regimen has numerous benefits and prevents a host of problems that would otherwise make cooling your house a serious and expensive chore.

If you need a reminder about why AC maintenance is such an important service, here are the benefits that come with it:

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Boiler Safety 101: Best Practices for Preventing Accidents

Monday, March 20th, 2023

Do you have a boiler that helps you warm up your household?

If you do, then you likely want to make sure that your boiler is working properly. We would also suggest double-checking to make sure that the boiler is efficient and works safely.

The best way to ensure that your boiler is in the best condition is with expert boiler service in Eden Prairie, MN. We have some additional best practices you can adopt to help keep your boiler running smoothly.

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5 Ways to Affordably Heat Your Home

Monday, December 19th, 2022

Now is the time of year when your budget is likely at its tightest. However, now is also the time of year when you are going to want to use your heater the most. So, how do you balance the need to keep your home warm with the need to keep your monthly energy bills affordable?

We are glad you asked because we have some great ideas to share. Here is what you need to know about getting the best heating possible from your system without ruining your budget.

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3 Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality 

Monday, June 13th, 2022

It’s easy to focus solely on your air conditioning when summer rolls around, but one thing you don’t want to discount is your indoor air quality. Indoor air quality is just as important as your air conditioning when it comes to staying cool. When it comes to indoor air quality, humidity balance actually plays into how cool you might feel. We’ll get into all the details below. 

For now though, if you’re concerned with your indoor air quality in Eden Prairie, MN, we’re the professionals you can turn to. We make sure to provide you with the right work including installation, repair, replacement, and maintenance no matter what system you choose. Here are three systems you should consider the following units when you want to improve your indoor air quality service in the upcoming months. 

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Why Do Furnace Transformers Fail?

Monday, January 31st, 2022

young-woman-shivering-during-the-winter-seasonThe term “furnace transformer” might be a little intimidating. Just the name of it sounds important or influential. If this is your assumption, you’d be right, your furnace transformer is important to you, but it doesn’t have to be daunting. Your furnace transformer’s main function is to supply power to the furnace itself. The furnace transformer is integral in powering all the key players of your heater. This includes things like timers, ignitions, circuitry, and temperature controls. If your furnace transformer fails, you’re sure to notice because of your furnace’s subsequent inability to perform. 

The only thing better than discovering a furnace problem in time to fix it, is understanding why this furnace problem occurred. This will help you prevent the same furnace trouble in the future. We’re here to help you with your furnace service in Eden Prairie, MN today. Let’s talk about how you might have come to this point.

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